1,124 research outputs found

    Primerjava motivacijskih dejavnikov v dveh lesno predelovalnih podjetjih

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    V raziskavi smo analizirali motivacijske in demotivacijske dejavnike med zaposlenimi v dveh lesno predelovalnih podjetjih. Raziskava je potekala v letih 2014 in 2015. Opravljena je bila z metodo anketiranja, s pomočjo vprašalnika, ki je vseboval šest vprašanj s ponujenimi možnimi odgovori. Vprašanja so bila zaprtega tipa, anketiranci pa so pomembnost vsebine posameznih odgovorov ocenjevali s štiristopenjsko lestvico. Anketiranih je bilo 180 zaposlenih v vsakem podjetju, rezultati pa so bili statistično obdelani s pomočjo X2 -testa in klasterske analize. S študijo smo ugotovili, da se najbolj pomembni motivacijski dejavniki med zaposlenimi v obravnavanih podjetjih bistveno razlikujejo. Zaposleni so najbolj zaskrbljeni glede socialnih potreb. Menijo tudi, da je v podjetju zelo pomembna psihološka klima. Motivacija zaposlenih je lahko povezana z večjo učinkovitostjo, višjo kakovostjo proizvodnje in poslovnimi rezultati, zato bi bilo treba takšne raziskave pogosteje opravljati.This research analyzed the motivating and demotivating factors amongst employees in two wood processing companies. The research was conducted over the years 2014 and 2015 with a survey using a questionnaire containing six questions with available statements offered. The questions were closed-ended, and respondents used the four-level scale of importance for each statement. A total of 180 employees in each company were surveyed, and results were statistically processed by using the X2- test and cluster analysis. This study established that the motivation factors most important to employees between researched companies are significantly different. Employees were most concerned about social needs. Also, employees consider psychological circumstances of work to be very important. Employees\u27 overall motivation can be linked to higher efficiency and higher quality production and business results, and such research should be conducted more often

    Predlog pristopa k finančnemu kontrolingu v lesnem podjetju

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse theoretical and practical approaches to the fundamentals, place, roles, functions and contents of the financial controlling in wood enterprises. After analysing various works by domestic andforeign authors, we designed our own approach to the problem of financial controlling, which is integrated into the subsystem of operative controlling and emphasises the relations between single subsystems of controlling. Financial controlling is a relatively independent part of enterprise controlling, whose main objective is to provide for liquidity in a company at all times and to ensure that the prime target of profitability is achieved at the same time.Cilj raziskave je bil analizirati teoretične in praktične pristope k osnovam, mestu, vlogi, funkcijam in vsebini finančnega kontrolinga v lesnem podjetju. Po pregledu in analizi del domačih in tujih avtorjev smo oblikovali lasten pristop k problematiki finančnega kontrolinga, ki je integriran v podsestav operativnega kontrolinga in daje poudarek odnosom med posameznimi podsestavi kontrolinga. Finančni kontroling je relativno neodvisen del kontrolinga v podjetju, njegova osnovna naloga pa je zagotoviti likvidnost v podjetju v vsakem trenutku, pri čemer je posebna pozornost usmerjena v dobičkonosnost

    New records of Heliopora hiberniana from SE Asia and the Central Indian Ocean

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    Coral reefs are among the most diverse ecosystems on the planet. They provide spawning sites for fishes and habitat for a myriad of fauna and flora. They protect coastlines from waves and storms and have important socio-economic value. However, coral reefs, as we know them, are seriously threatened by globalization and climate change [1]. The widespread bleaching of scleractinian corals threatens to destabilize critical ecosystem functions such as reef-building [2], and a growing body of data indicates that coral reefs are being transformed [3,4]. Future reefs are predicted to be dominated by non-constructional taxa [5,6], and the retreat of scleractinians threatens to cripple coral reef ecosystem functioning and endanger the lives of the millions of people that rely on coral reefs for protection, income and nutrition [7]. To detect coral community responses to climate change, and to identify which species may perform critical functional roles on future reefs, accurate taxonomic and systematic information is needed

    Analiza motivirajućih čimbenika u industrijskim pogonima

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    This research was conducted to establish and analyze motivation factors in wood processing and furniture manufacturing companies in the Republic of Croatia. Research was conducted during the year 2006 using method of survey. In three survey questionnaires a total of 58 questions were asked. A total of 800 production workers and 60 management and administrative employees were surveyed in 3 companies. The most important factor for production workers were good social conditions, while for management and administrative employees the most important factor was a good company reputation. Production workers were satisfied with employment assurance, while management and administrative employees were satisfied with employment assurance and good company name. Both production workers and management are most displeased with their salaries and with possibilities for those salaries to grow. Production results are highly dependable on motivation factors, so this kind of research is necessary if wood processing and furniture manufacturing companies want to increase production results and competitive strength on the international market.Istraživanje u ovom radu odnosi se na ispitivanje i analizu motivirajućih čimbenika u poduzećima prerade drva i proizvodnje namještaja u Republici Hrvatskoj. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom 2006. godine metodom anketiranja. U tri anketna upitnika postavljeno je ukupno 58 pitanja. Ukupno je anketirano 800 proizvodnih djelatnika i 60 djelatnika upravnog i administrativnog osoblja u trima tvrtkama. Najvažniji motivirajući čimbenici među proizvodnim djelatnicima su dobri socijalni uvjeti, dok je kod menadžmenta to uglavnom dobro ime tvrtke. Proizvodni djelatnici zadovoljni su sigurnošću zaposlenja, dok su djelatnici u menadžmentu zadovoljni sa sigurnošću zaposlenja i reputacijom tvrtke. I proizvodni djelatnici i administrativno osoblje najnezadovoljniji su svojim prihodima i mogućnošću njihova rasta. Rezultati proizvodnje u mnogome ovise o motivirajućim čimbenicima, pa je stoga ovakvo istraživanje nužno ako se želi povećati rezultate proizvodnje i konkurentnost prerade drva i proizvodnje namještaja na međunarodnom tržištu

    Modeling, Discretization, Optimization, and Simulation of Phase-Field Fracture Problems

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    This course is devoted to phase-field fracture methods. Four different sessions are centered around modeling, discretizations, solvers, adaptivity, optimization, simulations and current developments. The key focus is on research work and teaching materials concerned with the accurate, efficient and robust numerical modeling. These include relationships of model, discretization, and material parameters and their influence on discretizations and the nonlinear (Newton-type methods) and linear numerical solution. One application of such high-fidelity forward models is in optimal control, where a cost functional is minimized by controlling Neumann boundary conditions. Therein, as a side-project (which is itself novel), space-time phase-field fracture models have been developed and rigorously mathematically proved. Emphasis in the entire course is on a fruitful mixture of theory, algorithmic concepts and exercises. Besides these lecture notes, further materials are available, such as for instance the open-source libraries pfm-cracks and DOpElib. The prerequisites are lectures in continuum mechanics, introduction to numerical methods, finite elements, and numerical methods for ODEs and PDEs. In addition, functional analysis (FA) and theory of PDEs is helpful, but for most parts not necessarily mandatory. Discussions with many colleagues in our research work and funding from the German Research Foundation within the Priority Program 1962 (DFG SPP 1962) within the subproject Optimizing Fracture Propagation using a Phase-Field Approach with the project number 314067056 (D. Khimin, T. Wick), and support of the French-German University (V. Kosin) through the French-German Doctoral college ``Sophisticated Numerical and Testing Approaches" (CDFA-DFDK 19-04) is gratefully acknowledged

    Desapropriação urbanística, instrumento efetivador da função social da propriedade

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)O avanço da industrialização gerou um crescimento desordenado da população urbana, deteriorando o meio ambiente e diminuindo a qualidade de vida daqueles que o habitam. A atividade urbanística vem com a preocupação de propor soluções para o melhor aproveitamento do espaço urbano a fim de favorecer ao máximo o habitat do indivíduo e proporcionar o seu bem estar social. Surge então o Direito Urbanístico como um conjunto de normas jurídicas destinadas a ordenar os espaços habitáveis. O direito de propriedade não é mais visto como um direito absoluto, ele agora está limitado dentro das condições estabelecidas pelo Poder Público para que a propriedade atenda aos interesses da coletividade. E na ordenação dos espaços habitáveis o Poder Público dispõe de instrumentos de intervenção urbanística para atuar na urbanização e renovação urbana, sendo a desapropriação urbanística um dos instrumentos mais eficazes para que a propriedade atinja a sua função social

    Promocijske aktivnosti lesne industrije v Sloveniji in na Hrvaškem

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    Wood industry is among the most important industrial sectors in Slovenia and Croatia. In both countries, wood sector is a part of the national strategy plans and one of the industrial branches considered national economy boosters. But media coverage of wood industry and furniture manufacturing in Slovenia, as well as in Croatia, is far behind the promotion enjoyed by other industrial branches. This paper will give the current situation in promotional activities of wood sector in Slovenian and Croatian media and demonstrate the existing differences among given countries. Also, it will present some ideas on improving this situation according to media share of other highly profiled industrial branches in some southeastern European countries.Lesna industrija je ena izmed najpomembnejših industrijskih panog v Sloveniji in na Hrvaškem. V obeh državah je lesni sektor del nacionalnih strateških načrtov in se uvršča med industrijske panoge, ki naj bi ojačile nacionalno gospodarstvo. Toda medijska pokritost lesne industrije in proizvodnje pohištva v Sloveniji, kot tudi na Hrvaškem, je daleč za promocijami drugih industrijskih panog. V članku je prikazano sedanje stanje glede promocijskih dejavnosti v lesnem sektorju v slovenskih in hrvaških medijih, prikazane pa so tudi obstoječe razlike med obravnavanima državama. Prav tako so predstavljene nekatere zamisli za izboljšanje tega položaja glede na medijski delež drugih visoko profiliranih industrijskih vej v nekaterih državah jugovzhodne Evrope

    Eye movements in scene perception while listening to slow and fast music

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    To date, there is insufficient knowledge of how visual exploration of outdoor scenes may be influenced by the simultaneous processing of music. Eye movements during viewing various outdoor scenes while listening to music at either a slow or fast tempo or in silence were measured. Significantly shorter fixations were found for viewing urban scenes compared with natural scenes, but there was no interaction between the type of scene and the acoustic conditions. The results revealed shorter fixation durations in the silent control condition in the range 30 ms, compared to both music conditions but, in contrast to previous studies, these differences were non-significant. Moreover, we did not find differences in eye movements between music conditions with a slow or fast tempo. It is supposed that the type of musical stimuli, the specific tempo, the specific experimental procedure, and the engagement of participants in listening to background music while processing visual information may be important factors that influence attentional processes, which are manifested in eye-movement behavior.

    Raziskava virtualne proizvodnje v lesni industriji

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    Enterprises with inflexible production structures can no longer survive in a turbulent market, as they cannot react to changes that would lead to their development. In order to satisfy specific customer needs related to quality, quantity, cost and delivery terms, it is necessary to restructure the existingenterprises according to the Taylor principle. One of reconstruction possibilities is the implementation of new co-operation forms that lead to virtual enterprises i.e. changeable networks. A changeable network can only achieve efficiency by means of a modern information and communication technology. This paper presents an idea of a changeable network that can be acceptable for all participants within a virtual enterprise.Podjetja z nefleksibilno proizvodno strukturo ne morejo več preživeti na turbulentnem trgu, saj ne morejo odreagirati na spremembe, ki bi lahko vodile v njihov razvoj. Zato, da bi zadovoljila specifične potrebe potrošnikov, povezane s kakovostjo, količino, stroški in dobavnimi roki, je nujna reorganizacija obstoječih podjetij po Taylorjevem principu. Ena izmed reorganizacijskih možnosti je implementacija nove kooperacijske oblike, ki vodi do virtualnih podjetij oz. spremenljivih mrež. Učinkovitost lahko zagotovijo samo spremenljive mreže, in to s pomočjo moderne informacijske in komunikacijske tehnologije. Članek predstavlja idejo spremenljivih mrež, ki jelahko sprejemljiva za vse udeležence v virtualnih podjetjih

    On completeness of reducibility candidates as a semantics of strong normalization

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    This paper defines a sound and complete semantic criterion, based on reducibility candidates, for strong normalization of theories expressed in minimal deduction modulo \`a la Curry. The use of Curry-style proof-terms allows to build this criterion on the classic notion of pre-Heyting algebras and makes that criterion concern all theories expressed in minimal deduction modulo. Compared to using Church-style proof-terms, this method provides both a simpler definition of the criterion and a simpler proof of its completeness.Comment: 24 page